love Valentines Day NOT because it's romantic– it's not– it's awful, even
for those in relationships. I love it because its an excuse to eat your
face off, usually in a nice restaurant with good food. Valentine’s day
is to restaurants what Christmas is to retail. Prices go up, advertising starts early– it can be annoying
and quite frankly, the plethora of options and planning required makes
me want to bury my head in the sand, but I also don’t want to be the
couple eating at Olive Garden. So this year after many a walk in
attempt, I finally have a reservation at
The Little Owl! I am excited. I
had to plan this 30 days in advance and call about 20 times
starting at 10:30 AM on 1/14 (when their reservation line opens). Still,
with all that, at 10:42AM I had the option of 9PM or 6:15PM. Seriously. I chose
the latter as my Tuesday’s begin at a godawful hour and besides, it’s
still dark at 6:15. The menu looks great and also the host staff has
always been friendly and down to earth. Yeah its not V day yet– but I am dreaming about it.
Will post, post dinner
Update: Service was great, but the food was hit or miss. I think because of the holiday, they wanted to turn tables quickly. Food seemed either rushed to plate or overcooked in some cases. Lamb shank was super tough but the bass was perfect. Not sure what happened. Dessert donuts were good but nothing to write home about. Would like to try on a non crazy night to give a final opinion.